Thursday, October 10, 2013

Spooktoberfest #9 The Corridor

No horror yesterday, only a concert. The night terrors haven't started yet, so I really need to get this October into high gear. Tonight, I watched The Corridor.

I have to give it points for being unique and having some kind of message (modern technology is bad? growing up is hard? Ok, so it wasn't super clear). Regardless, the movie starts with some childhood friends stumbling into a horrific scene wherein they find a fourth friend gone psychotic and stabby while his mother lies dead on the floor (but he can still hear her voice in his head). From this, we jump forward to the friends getting back together with the psycho to help him spread his mother's ashes and move on. Unfortunately, there is a lot of mistrust (since one of them, you know, stabbed several of the others) and lingering resentments that have carried over from their youth.

The psycho discovers a weird, shimmery wall in the woods and thinks he is losing his mind again. When he takes the others out to find it, things start getting freaky. There is a touch of horror movies like The Signal or even The Thing here. As the five friends turn more aggressive and violent, the movie goes to some dark places. I particularly liked how innocuous lines from the first half of the movie are repeated in sinister ways in the second half.

Unfortunately, the ultimate nature of the threat is a little vague for my tastes. The final confrontation is seriously hindered by some amateur hour special effects. Here's a hint, if you are filming a low budget movie, maybe don't have it hinge on a special effect. Couple the ill-defined threat with the shitty CGI and this movie fails to stick the landing. In the second act, it really hits a high note of wrong but I can't say the pay off is worth the journey.

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