Thursday, August 1, 2013

General Update

No real fancy topics to talk about tonight. I've been wanting to write and just struggled with something to write about. Due to my reduced income, I haven't purchased any new music. I've seen a couple of movies, but nothing to really get my juices flowing creatively. I'm still watching the West Wing and enjoying it (although, the crying moments have reduced somewhat). Besides having a weird desire to write about Britpop last night (which will explain the britpop videos scattered throughout this) I have no pop culture information to relate to you, my audience.

I had a post up earlier this week about how angry I am but I took it down. It felt good to get it off my chest and online for a few hours (I think three people read it in total) but it was mainly just a venting thing. I found out my ex married the guy she left me for. It created some...raw...emotions to say the least.

I've been packing the week, trying to do as much as I can without retrieving the spider-clogged boxes I threw down in my basement when I first moved in. My comic collection is really the only thing that has grown and not even by much. I've been saying my goodbyes to my local friends. Megan and I had dinner last night, Dale and I had lunch today. I went to my local comic shop one last time. It has all been kind of bittersweet.

I am slowly starting to get geared up for returning to Greenville. Breaking Bad is about to end. I get to show my mom and maybe some other people Arrested Development Season 4. I have been thinking about my future. I am contemplating a PhD in Criminology...what do you think?

Now, it is a matter of trying not to leech off too many people for too long. I read an article on Cracked today about the ways people respond to others doing nice things for them. One of the points made was that, sometimes it is really hard to accept help. I am thinking back to all my friends I have loaned or just plain given money to over the years. Now, some of those friends are trying to give me money and I am making it hard on them by being prideful. I know I should let people help me the way I help others but, man, it is tough sometimes.

I don't know how long I will be back in Greenville but I hope I get to see everyone at least once. Oh, yeah, and make a movie. Part of me wants to see if I can get a grant to just write short stories, movies and comics...hmmm...I wonder if that is a thing? Note to self: check on creative writing grants, ask Eric about grant writing.

Well, that is it. Nothing much to see here. My depression is under control (just stressed about the move right now). I am trying to outline a horror screenplay and I keep freaking myself out after dark...which is kind of fun. I hope everyone who reads this is healthy and happy and safe.

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