Yesterday saw a slight variation. I traded in a glass of OJ for my morning orange and moved the morning orange to dinner time desert. I still had my eggs and whole wheat pita. I skipped lunch because something about the yogurt-based ranch and the spinach was turning my stomach to think about and I didn't know I was waiting for a ride that would never show up. For dinner, I had the other half of my mac n cheese (never as good reheated) and 2 bunless hot dogs (with the aforementioned orange for desert). Drinks were water and a cup of Coke Zero.
One fascinating thing is that my heartburn and acid indigestion has vanished since I started this diet. No more tums or acid reducers needed. Maybe it was the soda all along.
I figured it up and I am eating a little over 500 calories for breakfast and lunch. Even with Mac n Cheese and hot dogs, I am eating less than 1500 calories a day. But I don't feel like I'm starving or anything.
Today, I did the usual eggs and pita and OJ again. For lunch, I am doing hearts of romaine and carrots with the yogurt dressing. Much better for some reason. The spinach was leaving a gritty feeling in my teeth I didn't like. I usually love spinach...weird.
So, things are looking good so far. I hope to walk again at least one more time this week. With my diet on track, I am rebooting my workout plan (so that shit doesn't go crazy until things cool down a little). No weighing...not yet.
I just don't like raw spinach. Love it cooked like greens with a little vinegar though.
ReplyDeleteWet spinach kind of grosses me out. Like, canned popeye spinach is gross. But a spinach pizza or something is delicious.